Chris' Story

Chris joined Watsi on February 24th, 2016. Eight years ago, Chris joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Chris' most recent donation supported Martha, a 39-year-old devoted mother from Kenya, to fund fracture repair surgery.


Chris has funded healthcare for 96 patients in 13 countries.

Patients funded by Chris

Melissa is a 16-year-old girl who resides in Sanawari, Arusha region and currently lives with her grandparents. Her parents are based in another region due to work commitments, and they diligently strive to send money to cover Melissa’s living expenses as well as assist with other financial needs. At school, Melissa especially likes her art classes. Melissa suffers from a condition called bilateral varus, causing stress on her knees and lower limbs. She was diagnosed with bilateral genu varus, a condition that developed six years ago. The condition causes stress on her knees and lower limbs. Her legs are not severely bent, but she endures considerable pain when standing for prolonged periods and walking extended distances, leading to easy fatigue. As a result, Melissa experiences pain when walking long distances. Previous attempts at medical intervention involved a visit to the hospital, where she was prescribed medication, vitamin D, and calcium. Unfortunately, they had to discontinue the treatment after one month due to financial constraints. Melissa's family discovered our medical partner's care center, Kafika house occurred during a hospital visit for treatment, where a doctor directed them to the center. They travelled to the facility and were assessed. Surgical treatment is deemed necessary to improve her condition so she can have a full life ahead. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is requesting $880 to fund corrective surgery and treatment for Melissa at their care center Kafika House. The procedure is scheduled to take place on January 16th. Treatment will hopefully restore Melissa's mobility, allow her to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease her risk of future complications. Melissa's grandmother says: “I hope after this treatment, my granddaughter will be free from pain when she walks.”

Fully funded

Naw Aye is a 28-year-old woman who lives with her husband, son, sister-in-law, brother, two nephews, and two nieces in a refugee camp in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Originally from across the Burmese border in a conflict-area called Karen State, she fled to the refugee camp with her family in February 2023 due to airstrikes on her village. Her husband and her brother are unemployed, while her son, nieces, and nephews go to school. She and her sister-in-law are homemakers. During her free time, she loves to play with her son and enjoys planting vegetables in her small garden. She is currently expecting her second child. Her doctors recommended that she deliver via cesarean section because In January 2020, when Naw Aye was pregnant with her first child, her water broke prematurely which put her baby's life at risk. She was brought to a hospital in Burma, where she gave birth to her son through a caesarean section (C-section). In February, after they had fled to the refugee camp, Naw Aye became pregnant. She went to the hospital in the refugee camp regularly for antenatal care. She was told during one of her visits that although her pregnancy was going well, she would need to give birth through a C-section to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund, will help ensure a safe C-section on November 3rd. This procedure costs $1500, and Naw Aye needs your support. “I want to sell sacks or Mohinga (Burmese soup) for extra income soon. But I don’t have enough cash to start doing that, and I am pregnant. I hope I can do that after I give birth,” Naw Aye said.

Fully funded

Saw Ywa, who is an eight year old fourth grader, lives with his parents, his two sisters, and a brother, in Mae Ra Ma Luang Refugee Camp in Thailand. His mother helps at home, while his father works for an organization in the refugee camp. Saw Ywa loves to go to school, and to play football. When Saw Ywa was two months old, his mother noticed a concerning swelling. His parents brought him to the clinic in the refugee camp, where they were told to bring Saw Ywa back when he was five years old, and at an appropriate age for surgery they were told. Over time, Saw Ywa’s parents noticed that the swelling was increasing in size. He would also experience pain sometimes. is parents brought him back to the clinic, and after another examination, Saw Ywa was diagnosed with an irreducible inguinal hernia, which would require surgery. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund, is seeking $1,486 to fund the hernia repair surgery that Saw Ywa needs. The procedure is currently scheduled for May 18th, at Mae Sariang Hospital. After he has recovered, Saw Ywa should no longer suffer from the pain that he lives with now. He should also be able to walk comfortably, and to be free of the embarrassment he feels by the visible bulge in a sensitive area. Saw Ywa’s father said: “He loves to play football with his friends. But sometimes, he feels ashamed to play because his friends will make fun of him. I hope after surgery he will be free from discomfort and shame.”

Fully funded