Tapasya's Story

Tapasya joined Watsi on May 24th, 2020. Four years ago, Tapasya joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Tapasya's most recent donation traveled 8,500 miles to support Festus, a three-month-old infant from Kenya, to fund spina bifida surgery.


Tapasya has funded healthcare for 47 patients in 12 countries.

Patients funded by Tapasya

Melissa is a 16-year-old girl who resides in Sanawari, Arusha region and currently lives with her grandparents. Her parents are based in another region due to work commitments, and they diligently strive to send money to cover Melissa’s living expenses as well as assist with other financial needs. At school, Melissa especially likes her art classes. Melissa suffers from a condition called bilateral varus, causing stress on her knees and lower limbs. She was diagnosed with bilateral genu varus, a condition that developed six years ago. The condition causes stress on her knees and lower limbs. Her legs are not severely bent, but she endures considerable pain when standing for prolonged periods and walking extended distances, leading to easy fatigue. As a result, Melissa experiences pain when walking long distances. Previous attempts at medical intervention involved a visit to the hospital, where she was prescribed medication, vitamin D, and calcium. Unfortunately, they had to discontinue the treatment after one month due to financial constraints. Melissa's family discovered our medical partner's care center, Kafika house occurred during a hospital visit for treatment, where a doctor directed them to the center. They travelled to the facility and were assessed. Surgical treatment is deemed necessary to improve her condition so she can have a full life ahead. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is requesting $880 to fund corrective surgery and treatment for Melissa at their care center Kafika House. The procedure is scheduled to take place on January 16th. Treatment will hopefully restore Melissa's mobility, allow her to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease her risk of future complications. Melissa's grandmother says: “I hope after this treatment, my granddaughter will be free from pain when she walks.”

Fully funded