Peadar's Story

Peadar joined Watsi on September 10th, 2014. Ten years ago, Peadar joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Peadar's most recent donation supported Panha, a 39-year-old mother from Cambodia, to fund surgery to alleviate pain and discomfort.


Peadar has funded healthcare for 117 patients in 12 countries.

Patients funded by Peadar

Donozio is a 59-year-old married father of four children. His elder daughter is a teacher, and his two sons and younger daughter are still studying. Donozio completed high school but could not proceed further with education due to a lack of school fees. His passion for education drives him to make sure he educates all his children so that they may get where he never reached. He farms with his wife, but they mostly grow just enough to sustain their family due to limited land. He lives in a three-roomed muddy semi-permanent house with his wife, children, and two orphans, children of his late brother. For the last two years ago, Donozio has had a giant incisional hernia. An incisional hernia is a type of hernia that occurs at or near the site of a previous surgical incision and is characterized by the protrusion of intestine, organ, or other tissue through the weakened abdominal muscle. A giant incisional hernia extends below the midpoint of the inner thigh in the standing position. Donozio was operated on in March 2020. A few months later, he noticed a swelling around the excision site; this has now developed into a giant incisional hernia. Donozio has to limit his eating because he always feels pain after eating-- abdominal pain and constipation. Fortunately, on September 5th, he will undergo hernia repair surgery at our medical partner's care center. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is requesting $230 to fund Donozio's surgery. Once completed, this procedure will hopefully allow him to live more comfortably and confidently. Donozio says, “I hope that when I am given your support, I will have my surgery done and get well again.”

Fully funded