Tea Ho
Tea's Story

Tea joined Watsi on June 3rd, 2015. 22 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Tea's most recent donation traveled 1,500 miles to support Nehemias, a baby from Guatemala, to fund malnutrition treatment.


Tea has funded healthcare for 9 patients in 5 countries.

Patients funded by Tea

Nehemias is a seven-month-old baby from Guatemala's rural highlands. He is just transitioning from formula to solid foods, and so far he loves to eat refried beans and watermelon. Nehemias’s father is a day laborer who harvests tomatoes and blackberries. His mother takes care of the family’s household and weaves traditional Mayan textiles. Nehemias has malnutrition, a dangerous condition that results from consuming too little protein, calories, and nutrients. He is underweight and small for his age. In the short term, malnutrition means Nehemias has little energy to grow and that his immune system is weak. He may also face malnutrition’s long-term consequences, such as increased risk of chronic diseases, low IQ, and higher likelihood of dropping out of school. While malnutrition can have devastating effects, it is also very treatable. Growth monitoring, micronutrients, and food supplementation will help Nehemias recover. He will gain weight and grow taller to catch up with other children his age, and his immune system will grow stronger with the increased caloric intake. Community health workers will teach his mother about creating a nutrient-rich diet with limited resources. Nehemias's family cannot afford treatment. Our medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq, is requesting $492. He is scheduled to begin treatment on March 13. Nehemias’s mother says, “I am thankful to the institution and the people who care for each of our families without knowing us so that our children can get better.”

Fully funded

“Patrick likes to be alone most of the time," says Patrick's mother. "We hope once he is able to walk properly he will be more active and social." Patrick is a quiet and shy six-year-old boy from Tanzania. He likes coloring picture books and playing with cars. He is the first-born in a family of three children. Patrick was born with bilateral clubfoot, a condition where the feet are twisted inwards. As a result, Patrick had trouble walking until unusually late in life; he was crawling for so long that he now has chronic sores on his knees. Patrick now walks on the outside parts of his feet instead of on the soles, which has seriously affected his gait. Walking—let alone running, or participating in other playtime activities that children his age do—is painful and slow for him. Fortunately, there is a tried and true surgical solution for clubfoot. But Patrick’s parents cannot afford the procedure. The little money that Patrick’s parents earn as farmers is not enough to cover their daily expenses as well as the cost of corrective surgery which Patrick needs. But we can change that. For $1,160, doctors at Arusha Lutcheran Medical Centre will perform the operation that Patrick needs, correcting the abnormal connective tissues in his feet. This funding will also cover the cast, foot braces, and four-month stay at a recuperation center that will ensure Patrick recovers safely. When he’s healed from his procedure, Patrick will be able to walk normally, on the soles of his feet, for the first time in his life. This will mean a more physically comfortable life for him, and -- as his mother hopes -- a more social one.

Fully funded

Win Tin is a nine-year-old girl who lives in Burma with her parents and her three younger sisters. About two years ago, a benign tumor began growing on the right side of Win Tin’s jaw line. Her parents called upon a medical shaman and other local healers before seeking a prognosis at a local clinic. At the clinic, a doctor took an x-ray and suggested attempting removal of what appeared to be a mass by incision and suction. Her parents are fearful of the concept of surgery and they left the clinic without Win Tin receiving treatment. A year later Win Tin complained of puss coming from her teeth. Shortly thereafter two of her teeth fell out. Now two years have lapsed and the size of the tumor had not decreased or increased, but Win Tin’s symptoms persist. The tumor is firm, her jaw aches, puss continues to emerge, and she experiences itchiness. She can, however, eat comfortably. Since Win Tin stopped attending school two years ago, her mother often must stay home and she has been working less. Because symptoms have persisted for so long, the parents decided it was time to seek professional medical treatment. Win Tin's parents are agricultural workers, and their income fluctuates from month to month. They've accepted that their daughter needs surgery to remove her tumor, but cannot afford to pay for it. "I want to be secondary school teacher when I grow up," Win Tin shares. For $1,500, we can fund surgery to remove Win Tin's tumor, allowing her to continue her education.

Fully funded