Elka is a 13-month-old baby who lives in Haiti with her parents. Both of her parents are hardworking vendors in their local market.
Elka was born with a cardiac condition called patent ductus arteriosus, meaning blood leaks through a hole between two blood vessels located near her heart. This leaves her feeling weak and short of breath.
Since the required treatment is not available in Haiti, our medical partner, Haiti Cardiac Alliance (HCA), is helping Elka travel to the Dominican Republic where she will be able to access the care she needs. On July 28th, she will undergo a procedure where doctors will use a catheter to plug the hole so blood can flow without issue through her body. Elka’s family is looking to raise $1,500 to fund her necessary care, treatment, and travel.
Elka also has a cleft lip and palate, so once her heart condition is treated, a team of doctors will soon be able to perform another surgery to repair this condition and help her have a healthier future and a full life ahead.
Her mother says, “I am looking forward to my daughter growing up as a normal healthy child!”