Success! Bariki from Tanzania raised $728 to fund hydrocephalus treatment.

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Fully funded
Bariki's treatment was fully funded on January 8, 2018.
  • Bariki's story
  • Bariki's update
June 23, 2017

Photo of Bariki post-operation

August 25, 2017

Bariki underwent hydrocephalus treatment.

Bariki is doing well. The shunt inserted in the left side of his brain is draining the excess cerebral fluid. Bariki is no longer at risk of...

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Bariki's Timeline

  • June 23, 2017

    Bariki was submitted by Joan Kadagaya, SAFE Senior Program Coordinator at African Mission Healthcare.

  • June 27, 2017

    Bariki received treatment at Arusha Lutheran Medical Centre (ALMC) in Tanzania. Medical partners often provide care to patients accepted by Watsi before those patients are fully funded, operating under the guarantee that the cost of care will be paid for by donors.

  • August 24, 2017

    Bariki's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • August 25, 2017

    Bariki's treatment was successful. Read the update.

  • January 8, 2018

    Bariki's treatment was fully funded.

Funded by 2 donors

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100% of your donation funds life-changing surgery.

Reuben is a charming five-year-old boy from Karatu district in Tanzania, the third child born in a family of four children. He is a cheerful and active child, who particularly enjoys soccer. His family relies on farming for both sustenance and income, but the proceeds are often barely enough to meet the family's needs. Consequently, they struggle to meet medical expenses and are earnestly seeking assistance. Reuben was diagnosed with bilateral genu varus, a condition where legs curve outward at the knees while the feet and ankles touch. His legs began to bow out at the age of two, and as he continued to grow, this condition worsened, making it challenging for him to walk long distances. This condition is typically caused by an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the bones, which often stems from contaminated drinking water. As a result, his walking became energy-intensive, and he developed an uncomfortable gait. Recently, these mobility issues have significantly impacted his participation in beloved activities like playing soccer. Concerned about the potential hindrance this untreated condition may pose when Reuben begins school, especially due to the pain he experiences while walking and the distance of the school from home, his parents sought treatment at a local hospital. However, they were compelled to halt the treatment due to the high treatment costs. Their knowledge of our medical partner's care center, Kafika House, stemmed from a doctor who attended to Reuben two years ago. Consequently, they have embarked on a quest for his medical treatment again. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is helping Reuben receive treatment. On May 7th, surgeons will perform a reconstructive surgery that will restore Reuben's mobility, allow him to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease his risk of future complications. Now, Reuben's family needs help to fund this $880 procedure. Ruben’s father says: “I hope my son will get treatment to correct his legs so that it is easy for him when he starts school.”

$753to go