Michael Sauer
Michael's Story

Michael joined Watsi on December 29th, 2015. 42 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Michael's most recent donation supported Somaly, a playful two-year-old from Cambodia, to fund surgery that will help her see clearly again.


Michael has funded healthcare for 5 patients in 3 countries.

Patients funded by Michael

“I just want what is best for my baby,” shares Miguel’s mother. Meet Miguel, an eight-month-old infant from Guatemala. Our medical partner, Wuqu’ Kawoq (WK), tells us, “Miguel is the second child in his family. He loves to play with his older sister Debora. His mother weaves and creates blouses to sell, and his father is unemployed with alcoholism. His mother struggles to afford enough food for the four of them.” Miguel was diagnosed with acute malnutrition. “Miguel is below the average height and the average weight for his age,” WK reports, ”Without intervention his health will continue to decline. He will lose weight and his height will not increase. He will be at risk for the long-term effects of malnutrition including stunted mental and physical development, which will prevent him from succeeding in school and limit his ability to combat illness in the future. His mother does not make enough money to afford one egg per day for Miguel.” As a result of food insecurity and marginalization, indigenous Guatemalan villages have the highest rates of stunting in the world. In addition to growth stunting, malnutrition can lead to lower IQ, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. $512 will fund the treatment Miguel needs to address his nutritional deficit and improve his low energy and subsequent limited mental potential. This involves micronutrient and food supplementation, deworming medication to rid Miguel of a parasitic infection, and nutrition education for his parents. With these combined efforts, Miguel will recoup his weight and height and strengthen his immune system, laying the foundation for a healthier future.

Fully funded