Kerstin's Story

Kerstin joined Watsi on March 9th, 2021. Three years ago, Kerstin joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Kerstin's most recent donation supported Vannak, a mom and businesswoman from Cambodia, to fund myringoplasty surgery to restore her hearing.


Kerstin has funded healthcare for 41 patients in 8 countries.

Patients funded by Kerstin

Vannak is a 56-year-old mother of two sons from Cambodia. She lives in Phnom Penh province, about an hour outside the city. She is a widow and makes a modest income selling soft drinks and spices in her small village. Her oldest son is married and has his own family, and she lives with her youngest son, who helps support her. At home, Vannak likes to watch Khmer love stories on TV and cook for her son. Seven years ago, an insect flew into Vannak's ear. She inserted salt water to get rid of the insect but was not able to remove it. She developed an ear infection that caused her right ear's tympanic membrane, or the ear drum, to perforate. For this reason, Vannak experiences intermittent ear pain and ringing in her ears. Her hearing has declined, and she has frequent ear infections, which makes it difficult for her to run her business, work outside, and communicate with customers. Undergoing surgery can help prevent bacteria and other foreign particles from entering her middle ear, reducing the likelihood of recurrent ear infections. Surgery can also lead to fewer episodes of pain, discomfort, and other complications. Fortunately, Vannak traveled to our medical partner's care center for treatment. On October 23rd, she will undergo a myringoplasty procedure in her right ear. During this procedure, surgeons will close the perforation. Our medical partner, Children's Surgical Centre (CSC), is requesting $487 to fund this procedure, which covers medications, supplies, and inpatient care. Vannak contributed $100 to her care. Vannak's son said: "I hope my mother's ear will improve and be healthy, she will stop getting ear infections, and her hearing will be normal."

Fully funded

Shashi is a 15-year-old student and the second-born child in a family of five children. His parents are farmers who depend on small-scale agriculture for sustenance and to generate some income to cover their daily expenses. Shashi was diagnosed with bilateral genu valgus, a condition characterized by bilateral knocking of the knees that is typically caused by an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the bones. He first experienced this condition when he was 5 years old. Despite trying various traditional treatment methods, they were all unsuccessful. Due to the fear of being unable to afford the medical expenses, they did not initially seek help from a hospital. As a result, as Shashi grew older, his condition continued to deteriorate. What initially began as a slight bowing of his legs progressively worsened over time, causing immense concern for his parents. It became increasingly challenging for him to walk and engage in activities that required long distances of walking. He was forced to stop attending school because of its distance from home and the lack of transportation options available in his area. His condition has made it difficult for him to connect with his peers. Fortunately, our medical partner African Mission Healthcare (AMH) can help. Shashi is scheduled for corrective surgery on August 1st, and AMH is requesting $880 to fund the procedure. Treatment will hopefully restore Shashi's mobility, allow him to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease his risk of future complications. Shashi says, “It is painful living like this. My legs hurt when I walk. I can’t play and socialize with my friends. I hope the treatment I get will make my life better.”

Fully funded