Derek Torsani
Derek's Story

Derek joined Watsi on December 2nd, 2014. 43 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Derek's most recent donation traveled 8,300 miles to support Than, a woman from Burma, to fund surgery for her fractured left leg.


Derek has funded healthcare for 71 patients in 12 countries.

Patients funded by Derek

Nurudini is a four year old boy from Tanzania and the last born child to his parents. He was healthy until the age of one and a half years when his legs seemed to curve by the lower side and seemingly weak. His mother, concerned, took him to the hospital for review and had calcium medications prescriptions. She hoped that the calcium would strengthen his bones preventing further curving. Through a poster advertisement, his mother learnt of our services and brought Nurudini for treatment. He was diagnosed with genu varus and surgery is recommended. With the successful surgery, Nurudini will be able to walk with ease and reduce the chances of further disabilities. He had his left leg corrected and now Nurudini requires correction of the right leg.  Nurudini's mother sells vegetables at their local market while his father works at construction sites. Their combined income does not make ends meet and with the ability to retain some money for medical expenses. They appeal for financial assistance. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is requesting $838 to fund corrective surgery for Nurudini. The procedure is scheduled to take place on January 28th. Treatment will hopefully restore Nurudini's mobility, allow him to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease his risk of future complications. Nurudini’s mother says, “My son’s walking has gotten better after having his left leg corrected though he is still limping due to the right one which he couldn’t have it corrected earlier.”

Fully funded