Kristjan Mar GunnarssonUNIVERSAL FUND MEMBER
Kristjan's Story

Kristjan joined Watsi on April 23rd, 2018. Six years ago, Kristjan joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Kristjan's most recent donation supported Anghi, a three-year-old girl from Bolivia, to fund heart surgery.


Kristjan has funded healthcare for 126 patients in 11 countries.

Patients funded by Kristjan

Hein is a four-year-old boy living in Burma with his parents and sister. His mother is a homemaker while his father works as a second-hand motorbike broker to provide for their family. The family faces financial struggles and Hein's grandparents often step in to offer financial assistance during times of need. Hein's sister is a student, while he stays at home with his mother. When Hein was two years old, his mother noticed that he had a small lump on his right eyelid. He rubbed his eyes frequently, experienced discomfort and sometimes woke up with his eye swollen. His mother took him to a nearby hospital in 2022 and he was given some eye drops and an antibiotic. The doctor further suggested that Hein’s mother take him to an ophthalmology hospital, which specializes in eye care, for further investigation. However, due to security concerns stemming from the civil war and the high costs associated with the journey, Hein's mother was unable to make the trip. As time passed, Hein's condition deteriorated, with increased swelling and itchiness. Presently, his right eye is painful, showing signs of redness and swelling. Hein's mother brought him to our medical partner's care center for treatment. On March 25th, Hein is scheduled for a cyst excision procedure that will provide him relief and improve his vision and eye movement. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund, is requesting $1,500 to fund the procedure. Hein’s mother said, "I have been trying my best to seek treatment for him, and even though I cannot afford it, I hoped to find a way for him to get treated. I want him to grow up like other children and enjoy his life. As a mother, I always want the best for him, and I want to support his future ambitions. I am so happy to learn that my son's medical treatment will be supported by donors. I am happy and relieved, and I hope that Hein's condition will be cured."

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Linn is a 50-year-old woman from Burma. She is divorced and lives with her mother and son in Karen State - a conflict area near the border of Burma and Thailand. She works as a shop vendor, selling steamed sticky rice with chicken and pork, and her mother is retired. Her 12-year-old son is in the fifth grade in Burma. Linn also cultivates vegetables in her garden and usually cooks meals using them. Linn enjoys watching movies in her free time, but she has not been able to do so for a while now. One year ago, Linn began to experience blurred and double vision. Currently, Linn cannot read, see, or walk well and requires a caregiver to assist her with daily activities. These symptoms have made it increasingly difficult for her to see clearly. Linn was diagnosed with retinal detachment, a condition in which the retina pulls away from the supportive tissue in the eye, resulting in vision loss. If left untreated, she could lose vision completely. Linn is scheduled to undergo surgery to reattach her retina. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF), requests $1,500 to cover her procedure and care costs. After her surgery, Linn's vision will hopefully be restored, and she will resume her daily activities comfortably. Linn expressed, "I am very pleased to receive help and I am relieved that I can also stay at BCMF's patients' house in Chiang Mai. I wish for the success of my eye surgery. After recovery, I hope to restart my previous business again."

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