Success! Sombo from Cambodia raised $398 to fund cataract surgery.

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Fully funded
Sombo's treatment was fully funded on September 1, 2017.
  • Sombo's story
  • Sombo's update
July 9, 2017

Photo of Sombo post-operation

August 1, 2017

Sombo underwent cataract surgery.

Sombo's eye cataract was successfully removed from her left eye, and clear vision has been restored. Following the operation, she was given ...

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Sombo's Timeline

  • July 9, 2017

    Sombo was submitted by Lindsay Bownik, Stakeholder Relations Officer at Children's Surgical Centre.

  • July 10, 2017

    Sombo received treatment at Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Centre in Cambodia. Medical partners often provide care to patients accepted by Watsi before those patients are fully funded, operating under the guarantee that the cost of care will be paid for by donors.

  • July 31, 2017

    Sombo's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • August 1, 2017

    Sombo's treatment was successful. Read the update.

  • September 1, 2017

    Sombo's treatment was fully funded.

Meet another patient you can support

100% of your donation funds life-changing surgery.

Pi is a 14-year-old boy who lives with his aunt, uncle, grandmother, and nine-year-old cousin in a village in Karen State, Burma. His uncle and aunt are subsistence hillside farmers, and their family has barely enough food. Pi usually helps his aunt with farming and household chores. They receive free basic healthcare at the clinic close to their village. On April 20th, 2024, Pi had climbed a Marian Plum tree to pick some fruits. Unfortunately, he fell from the tree, sustaining an injury to his lower back. Pi's aunt immediately brought him to the local clinic, where he was examined and referred to a hospital for treatment. Following the advice, Pi's aunt promptly took him to the local hospital where the doctor conducted a physical examination, x-ray and ultrasound. He was treated with intravenous infusion and pain medication. After reviewing the assessment results, the doctor diagnosed him with a fracture of two or three spine vertebrae in his lower back. Pi's aunt was informed that Pi might need surgery and was advised to go to our medical partner's care center, Mae Sot Hospital (MSH) in Thailand, for further treatment. On April 21, 2024, Pi and his aunt arrived at MSH, where the doctor conducted a physical examination and scheduled Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on April 22, 2024. Pi's family is unable to fund the cost and needs your help to raise the $681 required for the procedure. Currently, Pi cannot stand or walk; he has to lie on the bed, and a urinary catheter has also been inserted. He also experiences pain in his lower back. Pi's aunt expressed her gratitude, saying, "I did not know how to manage his injury. I am glad to receive help from the Burma Children's Medical Fund and donors." "Thank you for your assistance." Pi added, "Thank you for helping me with my treatment costs."

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