Jackline from Tanzania raised $1,200 to treat Hirschsprung's disease so she can succeed in school.

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Fully funded
Jackline's treatment was fully funded on September 8, 2014.
  • Jackline's story
  • Jackline's update
July 3, 2014

Photo of Jackline post-operation

February 12, 2015

Jackline received surgery to treat Hirschsprung's disease.

“Although I have a big mark on my stomach, I feel good," says Jackline. "I can eat well and I don’t have to wait for a whole week to pass st...

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Jackline's Timeline

  • July 3, 2014

    Jackline was submitted by Esupat Kimirei at African Mission Healthcare.

  • July 4, 2014

    Jackline received treatment. Medical partners often provide care to patients accepted by Watsi before those patients are fully funded, operating under the guarantee that the cost of care will be paid for by donors.

  • August 31, 2014

    Jackline's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • September 8, 2014

    Jackline's treatment was fully funded.

  • February 12, 2015

    We received an update on Jackline. Read the update.

Funded by 18 donors

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Elicy is a 40-year-old married mother of four children aged between two and twenty years. She used to work part-time, doing laundry in people’s homes but due to her illness, she is unable to continue working. Her husband is a casual worker. They live in a rented house that costs about $4.75 per month. Elicy loves spending time with her husband and enjoying local meals. In 2019, Elicy observed swelling near her belly button region that was causing discomfort during her daily tasks. She sought medical attention at a nearby hospital and was diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, a condition where tissue protrudes through a weakened spot in the abdominal wall, creating a bulge near the navel. Surgery was recommended, but she had to return home and wait for the opportunity to undergo treatment. By the end of 2023, the swelling and pains had worsened, and her physical laundry work was exacerbating the symptoms. At the hospital, she was recommended rest and advised to avoid strenuous activities while awaiting surgery, which significantly impacted her earnings. Earlier this month, she decided to visit our medical partner's care center, Partners in Hope Medical Center, where the diagnosis of umbilical hernia was confirmed, requiring surgical intervention. Fortunately, our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is helping Elicy receive treatment. On March 19th, surgeons at PIH will perform a hernia repair surgery providing her the opportunity for a healthier, pain-free life. Now, Elicy needs help to fund this $575 procedure. Elicy says, “I can’t wait to be well again, my husband needs my support to provide for the family.”

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