Moe is a nine-year-old girl from Burma who lives with her mother, grandparents, and siblings in a camp for internally displaced people in Burma. She is a student in grade two at the school in the camp. During her free time, Moe enjoys babysitting her younger siblings.
On December 6th, while playing in her classroom, Moe fell off a bench and fractured her left forearm. She has been experiencing pain, swelling, and limited mobility in her left forearm ever since.
With the help of our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund, Moe will undergo surgery to reset her fractured bones and ensure proper healing. The procedure is scheduled for December 8th and will cost $1,500. Moe and her family need your help raising the money to fund her procedure and care. This surgery will not only alleviate her pain but also restore the functionality of her arm.
Moe’s grandmother said, “Thank you for helping my granddaughter. Our family is facing financial limitations, and affording her treatment has been challenging. Without your help, I wouldn’t know how to manage to get her treated.”