yibin hong
yibin's Story

yibin joined Watsi on August 9th, 2013. 76 other people also joined Watsi on that day! yibin's most recent donation traveled 8,200 miles to support Heszhien, a baby girl from Philippines, to fund malnutrition treatment.


yibin has funded healthcare for 39 patients in 12 countries.

Patients funded by yibin

17-month-old Aicie is the only daughter of hard-working parents in the Philippines. Her father drives a "habal-habal" (motorcycle taxi), while her mother takes care of her and the household. Aicie is malnourished. Although she is thin and underweight, she loves to play outside with the neighborhood kids. Aicie will be treated by International Care Ministries (ICM), a Watsi medical partner. One out of five children under five in ICM communities is either severely or moderately malnourished. Worldwide, poor nutrition is associated with nearly half of all deaths in young children. In remote communities and urban slums of the Philippines, the lack of clean water and unclean environments add risk to potentially fatal childhood diseases. ICM’s home-based feeding program provides nutrient-enriched food packs to ensure malnourished children get additional food to regain normal weight and achieve optimum physical and mental development. After identifying a child as malnourished, staff and community volunteers make weekly visits to monitor this child’s progress. To help sustain the health of the child, ICM’s professional staff educate the mother, guardian, or other family members about proper nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and organic vegetable gardening. Aicie will begin ICM's program on February 20. Her family needs help raising $184 to pay for the program. "Someday, I hope my daughter will finish her studies," shares Aicie's mother. "I pray that she grows up strong and healthy."

Fully funded

One-year-old Xian loves to play with toy cars. He lives in a small wooden hut with his two older siblings and parents. They share electricity with their neighbors. His father, Guillermo, is a pedicab driver and a local safety enforcement officer. Xian has been diagnosed with moderately acute malnutrition. Malnutrition threatens his growth and development and could even be fatal if not addressed. Fortunately, he will begin $184 malnutrition treatment on February 22. Xian will be treated by International Care Ministries (ICM), a Watsi medical partner. One out of five children under five in ICM communities is either severely or moderately malnourished. Worldwide, poor nutrition is associated with nearly half of all deaths in young children. In remote communities and urban slums of the Philippines, the lack of clean water and unclean environments add risk to potentially fatal childhood diseases. ICM’s home-based feeding program provides nutrient-enriched food packs to ensure malnourished children get additional food to regain normal weight and achieve optimum physical and mental development. After identifying a child as malnourished, staff and community volunteers make weekly visits to monitor this child’s progress. To help sustain the health of the child, ICM’s professional staff educate the mother, guardian, or other family members about proper nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and organic vegetable gardening. Xian's mother says, "I'm positive that my son will recover from malnutrition soon."

Fully funded

Jeff is a 17-month-old boy from the Philippines who lives with his parents and five siblings. Jeff loves to play and likes to wear his father's big shoes. However, his mother worries about Jeff because he often gets sick. Jeff has been diagnosed with severe acute malnutrition. Malnutrition threatens his growth and development and could even be fatal if not addressed. Fortunately, he will begin $268 malnutrition treatment on February 23. Jeff will be treated by International Care Ministries (ICM), a Watsi medical partner. One out of five children under five in ICM communities is either severely or moderately malnourished. Worldwide, poor nutrition is associated with nearly half of all deaths in young children. In remote communities and urban slums of the Philippines, the lack of clean water and unclean environments add risk to potentially fatal childhood diseases. ICM’s home-based feeding program provides nutrient-enriched food packs to ensure malnourished children get additional food to regain normal weight and achieve optimum physical and mental development. After identifying a child as malnourished, staff and community volunteers make weekly visits to monitor this child’s progress. To help sustain the health of the child, ICM’s professional staff educate the mother, guardian, or other family members about proper nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and organic vegetable gardening. Jeff's mother says, "I am hoping that Jeff's health will improve and that he will grow strong and healthy. I am dreaming that he will finish school and become a professional one day."

Fully funded

Pauline is a 16-month-old baby from the Philippines. She lives in a bamboo house with her parents and siblings. With seven family members in one house, it is difficult for her parents to provide for the family. Pauline has been diagnosed with moderately acute malnutrition. Malnutrition threatens Pauline’s growth and development and could even be fatal if not addressed. Fortunately, she will begin $184 malnutrition treatment on February 22. Pauline will be treated by International Care Ministries (ICM), a Watsi medical partner. One out of five children under five in ICM communities is either severely or moderately malnourished. Worldwide, poor nutrition is associated with nearly half of all deaths in young children. In remote communities and urban slums of the Philippines, the lack of clean water and unclean environments add risk to potentially fatal childhood diseases. ICM’s home-based feeding program provides nutrient-enriched food packs to ensure malnourished children get additional food to regain normal weight and achieve optimum physical and mental development. After identifying a child as malnourished, staff and community volunteers make weekly visits to monitor this child’s progress. To help sustain the health of the child, ICM’s professional staff educate the mother, guardian, or other family members about proper nutrition, sanitation, hygiene, and organic vegetable gardening. Her mother says, "I hope someday my child will finish her studies and will be a successful doctor. I am excited for the malnutrition program of ICM."

Fully funded

Melany is an 11-month-old girl from Guatemala. She is underweight and small for her age. Melany has malnutrition, a dangerous condition that results from consuming too little protein, calories, and nutrients. In the short term, malnutrition means Melany has little energy to grow. Her immune system is weak, leaving her vulnerable to illnesses that further compromise her growth. She may also face malnutrition’s long-term consequences, such as increased risk of chronic diseases, low IQ, and higher likelihood of dropping out of school. Melany began malnutrition treatment on October 28, 2016. Melany lives with her family in an adobe home with a tin roof. Her father works as a day laborer, and her mother cooks, cleans, and takes care of her children. While Melany's parents want the best for their daughter, their resources are already stretched thin. They cannot afford to pay for Melany's $512 treatment. While malnutrition can have devastating effects, it is also very treatable. Growth monitoring, micronutrients and food supplementation will help Melany recover. She will gain weight and grow taller to catch up with other children her age, and her immune system will grow stronger with the increased caloric intake. Community health workers will teach her mother about creating a nutrient-rich diet from limited resources. Treatment will give Melany's family tools to maintain nutritious diets, and it will give Melany a chance to grow healthily. Treatment will give her an opportunity to play and grow, supported by a healthy brain and body.

Fully funded