Stergios EfthynopoulosUNIVERSAL FUND MEMBER
Stergios' Story

Stergios joined Watsi on December 31st, 2014. Nine years ago, Stergios joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Stergios' most recent donation traveled 8,800 miles to support Odam, a boy from Cambodia, to fund fracture repair surgery.


Stergios has funded healthcare for 24 patients in 9 countries.

Patients funded by Stergios

Ruth is less than a month old. She is the first child in her family and lives with her grandparents and parents in Guatemala’s rural coastal region. Ruth’s mother cannot produce breastmilk, so Ruth is small and malnourished. She often cries from hunger, and her mother uses the only substance she can afford—warm sugar water—to soothe her. This limited diet is insufficient and has dangerous implications for Ruth’s health. When Ruth’s mother took her daughter to the local health center for a checkup, she found out that Ruth weighed less than when she was born. She was also told that Ruth was at risk of malnutrition. Lactation failure can lead to starvation and dehydration. It can also provoke electrolyte imbalances that cause seizures. Brain development occurring during this delicate time is compromised, and Ruth is at risk of long-term damage. To stabilize her condition, she was given a preliminary supply of formula. This will last until our medical partner's nutritionist can create a nutrition plan and begin treatment. Lactation failure, while dangerous, is easy to treat. By supplying Ruth with formula, she will receive the calories she needs to grow and thrive. Ruth’s mother will be taught how to provide a nutritious, inexpensive diet for her daughter. She will also learn to check for signs of malnutrition and other illness. Ruth’s immune system will strengthen, and she will grow up to be a healthy, energetic baby. Unfortunately Ruth’s family does not have the resources to purchase the expensive formula that Ruth needs. Her father’s job as an agricultural day laborer is the family’s only source of income. They need help to fund this intervention. Our medical partner, Wuqu’ Kawoq, is requesting $1,162 to fund Ruth’s treatment. Ruth’s mother says, “I am worried because my daughter is losing weight and she could get sick. I want to thank you for the help that you are giving to my daughter. I wish to see her grow well, so that when she is older she can become a nurse.”

Fully funded