Beth Sankey
Beth's Story

Beth joined Watsi on January 16th, 2016. 18 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Beth's most recent donation supported Irumba, a farmer from Uganda, to fund hydrocele repair.


Beth has funded healthcare for 2 patients in 2 countries.

Patients funded by Beth

"Three years ago, Myint started experiencing a tight pain in her abdomen and a need to pass urine very often," our medical partner, Burma Border Projects (BBP), shares about the 47-year-old woman from Burma. "She feels like she is carrying something in her abdomen and it is very heavy and hard." Last year, her condition worsened and Myint sought medical care in Thailand, where doctors diagnosed her with an ovarian cyst. Because of the high cost of the procedure, Myint was unable to receive the care she needs and has continued living with her painful condition. Myint lives with her older siblings and nephew, and "had a problem working because of her need to urinate very frequently," BBP shares. Her brother is a seasonal laborer and her sister sells snacks. Myint's condition has caused her to take multiple hospital trips, further draining her family's ability to afford her proper care that would ensure long-lasting improvements. "I am really worried about my condition since I can’t work and I do not have money to spend," Myint shares. After her most recent hospital visit, one of her brother's friends called to tell her about accessible care provided by BBP’s clinic. $1,500 covers the cost of blood work, her hospital stay, surgery to remove her cyst, and follow-up care to ensure that Myint recovers well. Proper care and treatment for her ovarian cyst will prevent future emergency hospital visits that repeatedly threaten her long term health. "After surgery, Myint should be able to go back to her house and see her family," BBP adds. "She will be able to start her new work by selling snacks with her older sister and make money."

Fully funded