Gilberto's Story

Gilberto joined Watsi on July 31st, 2013. Three years ago, Gilberto joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Gilberto's most recent donation traveled 1,900 miles to support Elizabeth, a 7-month-old girl from Haiti, to fund heart surgery.


Gilberto has funded healthcare for 50 patients in 11 countries.

Patients funded by Gilberto

Elizabeth, who is seven months old, lives with her parents and two older brothers in a small house in Haiti, that they share with other relatives. Both of her parents are farmers. Elizabeth has a cardiac condition called atrioventricular septal defect. A large hole exists in the center of her heart, which affects all four of the heart's chambers. Blood leaks through this hole without passing through her lungs to obtain oxygen, leaving Elizabeth weak and unable to gain weight. Elizabeth will fly to the Dominican Republic to receive treatment. As she is too small and weak to undergo major surgery to completely correct her condition, on April 9th she will have a procedure, during which the doctors at Hospital CEDIMAT will implant a shunt, that will allow oxygenated blood to circulate through her body. This will stabilize Elizabeth's condition so that she can continue to grow and gain weight until she can more safely undergo a complete repair in several years. While another organization is contributing money to pay for Elizabeth's surgery, our medical partner, International Cardiac Alliance, is seeking your help to fund the $1,500 needed to cover the costs of Elizabeth's pre and post-operative care and for the documents and travel costs for Elizabeth, her family, and the social workers that will accompany the family. Elizabeth's mother said: "Our daughter's heart condition has been very stressful for our family, and we are very thankful to know that there may be a way to solve it!"

$792to go

Salato is a 5-year-old boy from Tanzania. He is a part of the Maasai tribe and comes from a large Maasai family with seven children. His father is a livestock keeper. Due to their remote location, the family relies on livestock and selling cattle as their main source of income to cover their expenses. Salato was diagnosed with genu valgus. His legs bow inward so that his knees knock. This condition is typically caused by an excessive accumulation of fluoride in the bones, which often stems from contaminated drinking water. As a result, Salato faces difficulty walking long distances and experiences considerable discomfort due to the abnormal gait he has developed. This condition has also limited his ability to help his father with the livestock and hampers his ability to socialize with others. During an outreach visit from our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare (AMH), Salato and his parents had the opportunity to attend a clinic where he received education about his condition. The church kindly assisted in facilitating his transportation to the hospital. Upon arrival, the team warmly welcomed him and conducted a thorough assessment. As a result, a plan was formulated to correct the abnormality in his right leg surgically. However, Salato and his parents are unable to afford the costs associated with his treatment. Fortunately, our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare (AMH), can help. Salato will undergo a corrective procedure on August 2nd. Treatment will hopefully restore Salato's mobility, allow him to participate in a variety of activities, and greatly decrease his risk of future complications. AMH is requesting $880 to cover the cost of Salato's treatment. Salato’s guardian says, “He often feels left out when he can’t socialize with his peers. We hope the treatment will help him fit in his society.”

Fully funded

Nafie is a 22-month-old toddler from Ethiopia. He loves water play and often touches things to see what is before him. He is the only child of his parents. His dad and mom are day laborers who graduated from high school. Nafie's mom noticed he was experiencing discomfort when using the restroom. She sought medical treatment and doctors determined that he was born with hypospadias, a congenital abnormality that causes urinary dysfunction. Without treatment, he will continue to experience uncomfortable symptoms and will be at risk of cancer and infertility in the future. Due to Nafie's condition, his parents are stressed and concerned about his future. They are appealing for financial assistance to help their son undergo a hypospadias repair surgery that will correct the abnormality and enable Nafie to live a full and quality life filled with dignity. After the procedure, Nafie will be able to pass urine as his peers do. Fortunately, Nafie is scheduled to undergo corrective surgery on September 22nd. Our medical partner African Mission Healthcare (AMH) is requesting $1,293 to cover the total cost of his procedure and care. Nafie's dad said, “It was really hard to believe that there is this kind of condition or there are children that went through this kind of situation. We were so scared and worried when we learned about his condition. We couldn’t think that it was correctable by treatment. We were relieved and felt happy when the doctor told us that the condition was correctable by surgery.” Nafie's mom also shared, “After the surgery, we hope he will be normal and just as other children.”

Fully funded