Andrew Doris
Andrew's Story

Andrew joined Watsi on January 25th, 2015. 16 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Andrew's most recent donation supported Seam, a grandmother from Cambodia, to restore her sight.


Andrew has funded healthcare for 14 patients in 5 countries.

Patients funded by Andrew

Meet Sofia, a 17-month-old girl from Guatemala. Sofia is cared for primarily by her grandmother while her mother works cleaning houses to earn money to support her daughter. Sofia’s father abandoned them right after Sofia was born, and her grandfather passed away some years ago. Her mother is dedicated to building the best life possible for her child but says that they simply don’t have enough money to even afford 1 egg per day for her. As a result, Sofia lives with acute malnutrition. "Sofia has struggled with stomach infections and malnutrition since she was little," says our medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq (WK). "She was born in the hospital and ever since she started to eat solid food she has experienced pain afterwards. This has made her not want to eat and as a result she is losing weight. She has a diarrhea and a cough. Her grandmother and mother are extremely worried because they cannot afford food other than tortillas and squash. Her immune system is weak and as a result she has lost weight and is not growing well. Without intervention she will face the long-term effects of malnutrition and be at risk for other acute illnesses." For $512, WK will provide comprehensive malnutrition treatment for Sofia. "This treatment will supply Sofia with the growth monitoring, micronutrient and food supplementation, and medication for her to recoup some of the weight and height she has lost, and treat the gastrointestinal infection causing her diarrhea and frequents coughs. Her mother and grandmother will receive intensive nutrition education thus building their ability to care for Sofia and her siblings throughout her childhood. Intervention now will prevent the future devastating effects of malnutrition, and give Sofia the chance to live a healthy productive life." “She is the light of my life," her mother says. "I want to do everything I can.”

Fully funded

One-year-old Darwin is from rural Guatemala. "Darwin is the first and only child in the family. He loves to play with his uncle Aldair who is roughly the same age as Darwin. Together they play with toy cars and little plastic balls," says our medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq (WK). "Darwin is suffering from malnutrition and is already showing signs of developmental delays," WK says. "At 13 months he is not babbling or walking. His energy is generally low, but when he does have energy his mother says that he laughs often. Darwin’s appetite is low. He has struggled with reoccurring diarrhea, but his mother says that she is not able to afford medication." "He is far below the weight and height for his age, and our staff worries that if we don’t intervene soon his immune system will decline and he will be at higher risk of infections and illnesses, such as pneumonia," WK says. "He will be unable to develop to his full mental potential, thus limiting his ability to concentrate and go far in school. Without support, later in life Darwin will be at higher risk for chronic illness such as diabetes and hypertension." For $512, we can fund comprehensive malnutrition treatment for Darwin. "This treatment will allow Darwin to avoid the permanent effects of malnutrition. He will recoup the weight and height he has lost and begin to catch up developmentally to his peers. Deworming medication will remove the gastrointestinal infection causing his diarrhea, and he will have the chance to grow to his full potential," WK says. "He will receive nutritional support, thus allowing his brain to grow and develop normally. His immune system will strengthen and he will have more energy. His mother will be given the educational tools to prevent malnutrition in any future children she may have, and better care for Darwin and continue his treatment even after he has completed 6 months of our nutrition program. With Watsi donor support, we believe this child will fully recover." “I just wish that my son can grow well, and be healthy," his mother says. "I want him to study in school and graduate to get a profession.”

Fully funded

“Sara is a very malnourished little girl from a poor town in Guatemala,” our medical parner, Wuqu’ Kawoq (WK) tells us. "She is a happy child of two very loving parents. She loves to sit with her mother while she weaves blouses. Her dad works as a farm hand and is home in the evenings to play with her.” Despite being a generally happy child, Sara has been dealing with health complications since she birth. Sara was born with an imperforate anus, meaning that her colon and anus were not properly connected. Her family has been waiting for a year for surgery to repair the problem. “However, now Sara is suffering from acute malnutrition and is losing weight because her family is poor and cannot afford more than beans and a corn drink,” WK tells us. “She has been suffering from frequent diarrhea and if she keeps loosing weight she will not qualify for surgery, and will lose her long awaited surgery date.” Sara needs to be strong for the surgery to correct her imperforate anus. She also needs to have good nutritional health to have good health prospects in the long-term. Without addressing her malnutrition, Sara will not only lose her surgery but will suffer serious consequences of malnutrition. She will suffer low energy, weak immune system, chronic illness, and have a high risk of infection. Each of these factors will impair her ability to reach her physical and mental potential, making it difficult for her to succeed in school. With $535, Sara will be seen by doctors and nutritionists to address her malnutrition. They will provide treatment including nutritional support, growth monitoring, and medication to help her recover her health. “This treatment will give Sara a chance to recoup her weight and height, gain the nutrients she needs to grow normally, and strengthen her immune system,” reports WK. “Her energy will increase, and she will have the capacity to learn more effectively from her surroundings.” This funding will also serve to provide Sara’s parents with nutritional education to give them the tools to support their family’s long-term nutritional health within their budget. Her mother is committed to seeing Sara get healthy. “I will do what it takes to make her well,” she shares. Let’s support Sara and her mother in getting Sara’s health back on track.

Fully funded