Aram Rudd
Aram's Story

Aram joined Watsi on August 23rd, 2016. 18 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Aram's most recent donation supported Perepetua, a 40-year-old mother from Uganda, to fund surgery to remove an ovarian cyst.


Aram has funded healthcare for 11 patients in 7 countries.

Patients funded by Aram

Meet Francisco, a three-month-old baby boy from Guatemala. Francisco's mother is unable to produce breastmilk. His parents were able to purchase a small amount of formula to give him, but they have only been giving him about half of what he needs, leaving him malnourished. Now, his parents have run out of money and cannot buy him any more. Francisco has been losing weight since his parents have not been able to afford the formula, weakening his immune system and putting him at risk for seizures and diarrhea, which can be life-threatening. Since he was acutely malnourished when a physician from Watsi's medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq, first found and visited Francisco in his home, he gave Francisco a small amount of formula to use until he could be evaluated by a nutritionist. Francisco lives with his family in a one-room adobe house with a tin roof. Although his mother spends her days taking care of him and his father works in the fields tending to crops, they do not have the resources to buy Francisco the formula he needs. After borrowing money from friends and family, they are out of options to pay for this expensive treatment. Although Francisco is very sick, treatment is simple and very effective. Wuqu' Kawoq's nutritionist will design a treatment for him so he will get all the proteins, calories, and nutrients he needs to grow and thrive. For $1,016, Francisco will receive twelve months of milk formula and six months of micronutrient supplementation. He will grow stronger, catch up in his growth, and be able to have a normal childhood! Let's help fund this important treatment for Francisco.

Fully funded