David Gustafson
David's Story

David joined Watsi on March 12th, 2013. 1,770 other people also joined Watsi on that day! David's most recent donation traveled 4,100 miles to support U Doe, a grandfather from Burma, to fund surgery to treat an infection.


David has funded healthcare for 30 patients in 8 countries.

Patients funded by David

Ndegami is a 50-year-old husband and father of nine children who lives in Uganda. His banana plantation is the sole source of income for him and his family. About five years ago, Ndegami was pushing a bicycle loaded with bananas when he felt a sharp pain in his right inguinal area. Two months later, he developed a small swelling in the same area. When the swelling grew, he visited a hospital where he received medicine that decreased the size of the swelling. When he finished the medicine, the swelling became bigger, but Ndegami never returned to the hospital because of lack of money. Ndegami has an inguinal hernia, a protrusion of the intestines through a weak region in the abdominal muscles. The hernia presents as a protrusion or bulge in the abdomen or groin and makes coughing, bending at the waist, or lifting heavy objects very painful. Ndegami's hernia is large, but it goes back inside when he presses on it. He feels pain mostly when he strains. Due to the pain, he has not been able to attend to his farm for the past year. “The big swelling that pains me a lot, and I cannot do heavy work,” shares Ndegami. Ndegami's son-in-law advised him to come to Holy Family Virika Hospital for evaluation and treatment. For $249, Ndegami will undergo hernia repair surgery. During the surgery, the doctor will push the protruding tissue back into the abdomen and sew together the weakened muscle with a synthetic mesh. Over time, muscle tissue will grow into and around the mesh to strengthen the area. Funding for Ndegami also covers the costs of a three-day hospital stay, pain medicine, antibiotics, and blood tests. After surgery, Ndegami hopes to resume working on his banana plantation. Let's help make that happen!

Fully funded

Keyli is the youngest of three kids, and she lives with her siblings and parents in a one-room house made of tar and tin in Guatemala. Her mother works at home, cooking and cleaning, and her father works as a day laborer, only receiving a about three dollars for every day he works. This means that expensive formula is out of reach for their family—even though they realize that this is a life-saving treatment. Keyli is two weeks old and is in danger of acute malnutrition if she does not receive treatment. Her mother has been evaluated by our medical team, and cannot produce breastmilk, leaving her without any option but to give her daughter sugar water to make her stop crying. Lactation failure can lead to the child becoming starving, dehydrated, and provoke electrolyte imbalances that can cause seizures. Brain development occurring during this delicate time is compromised and the baby is at risk of long term damage. Lactation failure, while dangerous, is easy to treat. By supplying the baby with formula and the mother with health education, Keyli will receive the calories she needs to grow and thrive. One-on-one education with Keyli’s mother will prepare her for when she needs to start eating solid food, as well as help her watch for further signs of malnutrition and other illness. Keyli’s immune system will strengthen and she will grow up to be a healthy energetic baby. "I feel really sad that my daughter is going to get sick and lose weight. I want to see my daughter grow well so she can go to school and graduate as a nurse so she can help other people," Keyli's mother shared. "I appreciate the help that my daughter is going to receive from you all."

Fully funded