Sebastian's Story

Sebastian joined Watsi on September 19th, 2016. Seven years ago, Sebastian joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Sebastian's most recent donation supported Kelly, a 23-year-old student from Kenya, to fund surgery to restore mobility.


Sebastian has funded healthcare for 52 patients in 10 countries.

Patients funded by Sebastian

Linn is a 50-year-old woman from Burma. She is divorced and lives with her mother and son in Karen State - a conflict area near the border of Burma and Thailand. She works as a shop vendor, selling steamed sticky rice with chicken and pork, and her mother is retired. Her 12-year-old son is in the fifth grade in Burma. Linn also cultivates vegetables in her garden and usually cooks meals using them. Linn enjoys watching movies in her free time, but she has not been able to do so for a while now. One year ago, Linn began to experience blurred and double vision. Currently, Linn cannot read, see, or walk well and requires a caregiver to assist her with daily activities. These symptoms have made it increasingly difficult for her to see clearly. Linn was diagnosed with retinal detachment, a condition in which the retina pulls away from the supportive tissue in the eye, resulting in vision loss. If left untreated, she could lose vision completely. Linn is scheduled to undergo surgery to reattach her retina. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF), requests $1,500 to cover her procedure and care costs. After her surgery, Linn's vision will hopefully be restored, and she will resume her daily activities comfortably. Linn expressed, "I am very pleased to receive help and I am relieved that I can also stay at BCMF's patients' house in Chiang Mai. I wish for the success of my eye surgery. After recovery, I hope to restart my previous business again."

$568to go

Billy is a 14-year-old student from a rural area named Migori in Kenya. He is in grade six, and loves playing football. He is the last born in a family of 6 kids. He comes from a family that depends on their small-scale farming for sustenance and live together in a mud house. Three months ago, Billy was playing with other boys using bicycles. Unfortunately, one of the boys pushed his bike down a hill, and Billy fell into a ditch. He was hurt in the right leg and was taken to Migori Referral, where a Plaster cast was applied. The bones had not united when it was removed, but the family decided to seek traditional medicine. In spite of the traditional medicine, which involved massaging his leg, Billy cannot walk properly. He is in a lot of pain; he has difficulties walking and engaging in day-to-day activities. Dr. Owen, a Medical Officer, heard about Billy when he visited Migori. He decided to request and pay for an X-Ray, which showed the bones are not united yet. The doctor brought Billy to Nazareth Hospital for evaluation by Watsi's local rep. When he was seen at Nazareth, the surgeon determined that a fracture surgery is needed to correct his condition, but the cost is very out of reach for this family. Fortunately, surgeons at our medical partner can help. On July 4th, Billy will undergo a fracture repair procedure, called an open reduction and internal fixation. When treated, Billy will no longer be in pain, he will be able to walk, and his leg will heal without deformity as he continues to grow. Now, our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare Foundation, is requesting $1049 to fund this procedure. “I thank Dr Owen for what he has done. I hope my brother can get help so that his leg can recover so that he can go back to school,” said Billy’s brother quietly.

Fully funded