Dan's Story

Dan joined Watsi on November 5th, 2015. Three years ago, Dan joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Dan's most recent donation supported Blandina, a farmer from Malawi, to fund thyroid removal surgery.


Dan has funded healthcare for 47 patients in 11 countries.

Patients funded by Dan

Naw Aye is a 28-year-old woman who lives with her husband, son, sister-in-law, brother, two nephews, and two nieces in a refugee camp in Mae Hong Son Province, Thailand. Originally from across the Burmese border in a conflict-area called Karen State, she fled to the refugee camp with her family in February 2023 due to airstrikes on her village. Her husband and her brother are unemployed, while her son, nieces, and nephews go to school. She and her sister-in-law are homemakers. During her free time, she loves to play with her son and enjoys planting vegetables in her small garden. She is currently expecting her second child. Her doctors recommended that she deliver via cesarean section because In January 2020, when Naw Aye was pregnant with her first child, her water broke prematurely which put her baby's life at risk. She was brought to a hospital in Burma, where she gave birth to her son through a caesarean section (C-section). In February, after they had fled to the refugee camp, Naw Aye became pregnant. She went to the hospital in the refugee camp regularly for antenatal care. She was told during one of her visits that although her pregnancy was going well, she would need to give birth through a C-section to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund, will help ensure a safe C-section on November 3rd. This procedure costs $1500, and Naw Aye needs your support. “I want to sell sacks or Mohinga (Burmese soup) for extra income soon. But I don’t have enough cash to start doing that, and I am pregnant. I hope I can do that after I give birth,” Naw Aye said.

Fully funded

Phillip, a charming 3-year-old, lives with his parents and eight siblings in a remote village in Tanzania. His parents work as farmers; their daily life revolves around the cultivation of maize and finger millet, which sustains their meals and provides a modest income for their family’s necessities. Phillip was born with clubfoot in his right foot, and three of his siblings and his father were also born with this condition. Clubfoot is a condition in which the foot is twisted out of shape, which causes difficulty walking and even wearing shoes. Phillips’s father, who is aging and experiences clubfoot like Phillip, cannot work extended hours, so Phillip’s mother works diligently on the farm to ensure abundant harvests. Due to limited knowledge about this condition, his family did not previously seek treatment; however, one day, a glimmer of hope emerged when Phillip’s father met a boy who had the same condition but has now fully recovered. Upon learning about our medical partner’s care center, Phillip’s father was filled with hope and optimism and hurried home to share the information with his wife. Together, they decided to bring their son, Phillip, and three of his siblings to our medical partner’s care center. Happily, on October 6th, Phillip will begin clubfoot treatment. Our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare (AMH), is requesting $935 to fund Phillip’s surgery. After treatment, Phillip will experience improved mobility now and in the future. Phillip’s mother said, “I am glad there is a chance for my child to get treatment. I hope he doesn’t get to live with this disability for the rest of his life.”

Fully funded