Marcos sainz
Marcos' Story

Marcos joined Watsi on January 10th, 2016. 16 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Marcos' most recent donation supported Samich, a ninth grader and future doctor from Cambodia, to fund surgical removal of nasal polyps.


Marcos has funded healthcare for 6 patients in 2 countries.

Patients funded by Marcos

Cristel is an only child from Guatemala, and a joy to her parents. Cristel loves to eat beans, which are her favorite food, color and paint, and play with her dolls. Her father works in a clothing factory in Guatemala, and her mother takes care of Cristel, cooks, and cleans. Cristel lives with her mother and extended family in one-room house in a Maya Quiche village in the mountains. The family loves to spend their free time going to church, where Cristel has joined the choir. Cristel was born with several heart defects. One of them is a hole in her heart, which makes her heart work twice as hard to pump oxygenated blood into her body. She also has a defect in the veins that take blood from the lungs to the heart, which connect to the heart in the wrong place, meaning that oxygenated blood enters and leaves from the wrong part of the heart, depriving her body of oxygenated blood. If she does not receive immediate treatment, she could go into heart failure, have high blood pressure in the lungs (which is damaging), dangerous irregular heart rhythms, or a stroke. Although Cristel's father works hard, he makes only a couple dollars per day, making this life-saving surgery a luxury they cannot afford for their daughter. This surgical intervention will repair the defects in Cristel's heart and veins. $1,169 in funds will allow Watsi's medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq, to provide surgeons and necessary medication for Cristel's condition. Once her heart can function properly, she will be able to run and play like a normal child, and her mother will be able to send her to school without worry. She will be able to run and play for long periods of time, and be more independent, allowing her to attend school. This treatment will greatly improve her quality of life now, and prevent her from facing the life-threatening consequences of her defects later on. Her mother shares: "I hope this surgery helps Cristel to go to school, so she can study and one day be a secretary."

Fully funded

Marbella is one year old, and is the second daughter in her family. She lives with her parents and older brother in an adobe house in Guatemala. Her mother works at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Marbella. Her father is a day laborer in the fields, who often does not have work. While her mother is working, Marbella loves to play with plastic dishes and pretend to make food. Although her parents work hard, they do not have the resources for her to reach a healthy height and weight. Marbella is suffering from malnutrition, meaning that she is much too small for her age. Not only has her physical growth been stunted, but she also has a weak immune system—in the past two weeks alone she has suffered from a cough and a high fever. Unfortunately, malnutrition also decreases her appetite--Marbella's mother says that she almost never finishes the food she gives her, and that she gets tired quickly when she plays. If Marbella does not receive treatment, she could face the consequences of stunted mental and physical growth for the her the rest of her life, making it more likely that she will have lower-paying jobs as an adult and have children who are also malnourished. Marbella will receive growth monitoring, food supplements, and deworming medication which will help her grow, develop healthily both mentally and physically, and overcome malnutrition. Her parents will receive nutrition education so they can learn how to best feed Marbella, even with the little resources they have. If she receives treatment now, she will be able to have normal mental and physical development. This treatment will give Marbella a better chance of escaping the cycle of malnutrition and poverty that she is caught in. Her parents share, "We dream that our daughter can go to university."

Fully funded

Alejandra, a nine-month-old baby, lives with her parents and her older in a one-room adobe house in Guatemala. Her favorite thing to do is to play with her dolls. Her mother works at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of her and her siblings as well as helping Alejandra’s father cultivate corn in the nearby mountains. Although her parents work hard, they do not have the resources to feed her even one vegetable, piece of fruit, or egg—the minimum that she needs to reach a healthy height and weight. Alejandra’s parents are worried because they have noticed their daughter is not growing as well as the other children in their village, and almost never has an appetite. This is because she is malnourished, and her diet lacks the nutrients, calories, and protein she needs to grow and be healthy. If Alejandra does not receive treatment, she could face the consequences for the rest of her life—such as short stature as an adult, lower IQ, a harder time focusing, and trouble in school--all making it more likely that she will have lower-paying job as an adult and have children who face the same challenges. For $512, Watsi's medical partner, Wuqu' Kawoq, will provide Alejandra with growth monitoring, food supplements, and deworming medication which will help her grow, develop normally both mentally and physically, and overcome malnutrition. Her parents will receive nutrition education, so they can learn how to best feed Alejandra, even with the little resources they have. If she receives treatment now, she will be able to have normal mental and physical development, giving him a better chance to be a successful student and to one day be qualified for a well-paying job. "We hope that one day, she can have a university degree," says Alejandra's mother. With our help, this treatment will give Alejandra a better chance of escaping the cycle of malnutrition and poverty.

Fully funded