Ross' Story

Ross joined Watsi on September 19th, 2016. Seven years ago, Ross joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Ross' most recent donation supported Dorica, a farm worker from Malawi, to fund thyroid surgery.


Ross has funded healthcare for 89 patients in 13 countries.

Patients funded by Ross

Hassan is an only child whose parents separated before he was born. Prior to his birth, Hassan's mother worked alongside his grandmother, doing farm work to earn income. After Hassan was born, his mother had to stop working so she could take care of him. Hassan was diagnosed with spina bifida at birth, a condition that occurs when a developing baby's spinal cord fails to develop or close properly while in the womb. Hassan had a swelling on his back that was open and leaking. He was admitted in hospital for a few days while his mother was taught how to dress the wound. An MRI and a CT scan were done and he was scheduled for surgery weeks later. While home, his mother continued with the wound dressings as instructed until the leaking stopped. During one of the post-natal clinics, Hassan and his mother were referred to our medical partner's care center, BethanyKids, for treatment. Upon arrival at BethanyKids, Hassan was examined and was additionally diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a build up of fluids in the brain. He was then scheduled for a spina bifida repair surgery, and the mother was told that once he recovered, he would be scheduled for a shunt insertion surgery. Due to financial challenges and a loss of income for Hassan's mother, the family is unable to meet the medical expenses. Without treatment, Hassan is at risk of lower-limb paralysis, infection of the exposed nervous tissue, development of tethered cord syndrome, and possible developmental delays. Fortunately, our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is helping Hassan receive treatment. On March 15th, surgeons at BethanyKids will conduct a spina bifida closure surgery to promote Hassan's healthy growth and development. Now, Hassan's family needs help to fund this $1,151 procedure. Hassan’s mother says, “A while back, I had already given up on Hassan's treatment. Because the community had never seen such a condition, I was told that I would always get children who have different medical conditions. After coming to this facility, I realized that this was not the case. My hopes were raised again and now I’m looking forward to the best outcome in Hassan’s treatment.”

$781to go

Flora is a single mother of a baby boy aged 1.5 years. She is a refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo who found herself in Malawi in the year 2022 in search of her sister Esperance. Flora grew up in her sister’s house since she lost all her parents through war. She shared that they got separated in 2016 during a war where Esperance's husband was killed and the family all scattered. Esperance, the sister, found herself in a refugee camp in Malawi in 2016 where Flora was able to trace her 6 years later. They both now run a saloon business which earns them a little income that helps to meet their needs. Flora was doing well until her recent pregnancy. During one of her antenatal clinics that was done at Kamuzu Central Hospital (KCH), she was noted to have uterine fibroids through abdominal ultrasound scanning. She had a successful caesarian section in June 2022. However, since the birth of her child, Flora has been experiencing difficult symptoms leading to frequent blood transfusions due to anemia. Flora is weak at the moment and has been seeking medical attention frequently. On January 17th this year, Flora was taken back to KCH due a dangerous low blood level. She received three pints of whole blood, recovered, and was discharged home. On January 31st, she was seen by the gynecologist at KCH who recommended a hysterectomy but due to the long list at KCH, she is not able to be seen for many months. The gynecologist referred her to our medical partner's care center PIH for urgent attention due to her condition. Her sister brought her to PIH where the surgeon confirmed her diagnosis and the need for a total abdominal hysterectomy, which is the removal of the uterus, including the cervix. Flora was then referred to the Watsi program due to her financial status. Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in a woman's uterus. Fibroids might become quite large leading to severe abdominal pain and heavy bleeding. If left untreated, fibroids continue to grow, both in size and number worsening the symptoms. The heavy bleeding may become worse causing anemia which may be fatal. Flora needs help raising $1,363 to fund her hysterectomy surgery scheduled for February 3rd. After the surgery, it is expected that Flora will be able to live her normal life, and continue taking care of her baby as she works hand-in-hand with her sister. Flora Said, “Kindly help me to get better. I have already come through a lot in my life."

Fully funded

Linn is a 50-year-old woman from Burma. She is divorced and lives with her mother and son in Karen State - a conflict area near the border of Burma and Thailand. She works as a shop vendor, selling steamed sticky rice with chicken and pork, and her mother is retired. Her 12-year-old son is in the fifth grade in Burma. Linn also cultivates vegetables in her garden and usually cooks meals using them. Linn enjoys watching movies in her free time, but she has not been able to do so for a while now. One year ago, Linn began to experience blurred and double vision. Currently, Linn cannot read, see, or walk well and requires a caregiver to assist her with daily activities. These symptoms have made it increasingly difficult for her to see clearly. Linn was diagnosed with retinal detachment, a condition in which the retina pulls away from the supportive tissue in the eye, resulting in vision loss. If left untreated, she could lose vision completely. Linn is scheduled to undergo surgery to reattach her retina. Our medical partner, Burma Children Medical Fund (BCMF), requests $1,500 to cover her procedure and care costs. After her surgery, Linn's vision will hopefully be restored, and she will resume her daily activities comfortably. Linn expressed, "I am very pleased to receive help and I am relieved that I can also stay at BCMF's patients' house in Chiang Mai. I wish for the success of my eye surgery. After recovery, I hope to restart my previous business again."

$568to go