Success! Vanny from Cambodia raised $405 to treat his fractured elbow.

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Fully funded
Vanny's treatment was fully funded on September 21, 2016.
  • Vanny's story
  • Vanny's update
August 3, 2016

Photo of Vanny post-operation

October 19, 2016

Vanny successfully received surgery to treat his fractured elbow.

Vanny is doing great! The surgery he had to mend his fractured elbow was a great success. Since the operation, he has been resting as well a...

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Vanny's Timeline

  • August 3, 2016

    Vanny was submitted by Hannah Callas, Stakeholder Relations Officer at Children's Surgical Centre.

  • August 3, 2016

    Vanny received treatment at Kien Khleang National Rehabilitation Centre in Cambodia. Medical partners often provide care to patients accepted by Watsi before those patients are fully funded, operating under the guarantee that the cost of care will be paid for by donors.

  • September 7, 2016

    Vanny's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • September 21, 2016

    Vanny's treatment was fully funded.

  • October 19, 2016

    Vanny's treatment was successful. Read the update.

Funded by 7 donors

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Huon is a widowed grandmother from Kampong Cham province in Cambodia. She is 77 years old and has three daughters, four sons, and 20 grandchildren. She lives with her youngest son, who works at a garment factory in the province. Ten years ago, her beloved husband passed away from untreated high blood pressure. Huon no longer works in the rice paddies due to her age, but likes to stay connected to her community by visiting the local pagoda to listen to the monks pray. About one year ago,, Huon developed a cataract in her right eye, causing her itchiness, tearing, and blurred vision. She no longer leaves the house alone, because she is afraid she will trip and fall from the steps on their traditional stilt house. A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye, so it is like looking through a frosty or fogged-up window. She has difficulty seeing things clearly, including colors and faces, and is worried about falling when walking, so is not able to go places on her own. When Huon learned about our medical partner, Children's Surgical Centre, she traveled for three hours seeking treatment. On May 2nd, doctors will perform a small incision cataract surgery, and an intraocular lens implant in her right eye. After recovery, she will be able to see clearly. Huon is able to contribute $100 towards the cost of her treatment and needs help raising $153 more to fund the procedure. Huon says: "I hope that after surgery my vision will improve, so I can visit the pagoda by myself, and take care of myself and my grandchildren."

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