Sopheak is an 8-year-old third grader who lives in Prey Veng province with his parents, who earn a small income selling fish in the local market. He has two older sisters, the oldest of whom recently moved out and started working as a tailor. Sopheak loves studying history, and he wants to be a teacher when he grows up. His other favorite things are playing basketball with his friends and drinking bubble tea.
Four years ago, Sopheak began experiencing a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. This causes him to frequently miss school and interferes with his sleep. Sopheak was recently diagnosed with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. If not treated, his symptoms will persist and possibly intensify over time.
Our medical partner, Children’s Surgical Centre, is requesting $265 to fund a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy for Sopheak, which is scheduled to take place on September 6. Surgeons will remove his tonsils and adenoids, hopefully relieving Sopheak of his symptoms and helping him live much more comfortably.
His mother shared that she just wants her son to feel good again, and to be able to attend school regularly.