Non is a long-time rice farmer from Cambodia. He is married and has four sons, four daughters, and many grandchildren. He lives with his wife and his oldest daughter, who is a vegetable seller. He has recently retired from farming due to his age and poor vision, and now likes to spend his days listening to the news and the monks praying on the radio.
Two years ago, Non developed a cataract in his right eye, causing him blurry vision and sensitivity to light. He has difficulty seeing things clearly, including colors and faces. He is also worried about falling when walking, so he is not able to go places on his own.
When Non learned about our medical partner, Children’s Surgical Centre, he traveled for four and a half hours seeking treatment. On June 2nd, doctors will perform a small incision cataract surgery and an intraocular lens implant in his right eye. After recovery, he will be able to see clearly. Now, he needs help to fund this $253 procedure.
Non shared, “I hope after surgery I can see better, and go outside. I hope to take care of myself and not need help from others.”