Sokhom is a 56-year-old grandfather. He and his wife are rice farmers and have several cows to have fresh milk for their family. They have one daughter, four sons, and six grandchildren. At home, he likes to listen to the news on the radio and visit his community pagoda to join in religious ceremonies.
Seven months ago, Sokhom developed a cataract in his right eye, causing him blurry vision. Sokhon describes it as there being some sort of film covering his eye. This makes it difficult to see any small details clearly. He is unable to work out in the field and feels bad because it is his responsibility as the head of his family.
When Sokhom learned about our medical partner, Children’s Surgical Centre, he traveled for three and a half hours seeking treatment. On November 23rd, doctors will perform small incision cataract surgery and place an intraocular lens implant in his right eye. After recovery, he will be able to see clearly. Now, he needs help to fund this $253 procedure.
Sokhon said: “I am hoping that after my operation I will be able to plant rice again and do more to support my family.”