Bryan Woods
Bryan's Story

Bryan joined Watsi on June 17th, 2014. 9 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Bryan's most recent donation traveled 8,800 miles to support Lov, a young woman from Cambodia, to fund ear surgery.


Bryan has funded healthcare for 34 patients in 10 countries.

Patients funded by Bryan

Cho The is a 35-year-old woman from Burma. She lives with her husband, her eight-year-old son, and her father. She and her husband were both born and raised in the village where they live. While Cho The used to work alongside her husband on a rubber farm, she has been unable to work for the past three years due to the symptoms she experiences from her condition. Cho The has uterine fibroids, or benign tumors that develop in the uterus and cervix. As a result, her husband has been the only member supporting the family for three years. Her husband can usually only find between two to three days of work per week. The family does not make enough money to pay for their basic needs, including food. They have been forced to take out multiple loans and to borrow money from friends. Cho The's condition has affected the whole family, because not only does she have to worry about taking care of her son, but her father is also partially paralyzed and the family must care for him. Since her symptoms have arisen, she has experienced leg pains, difficulty walking, and an inability to lie down comfortably, which has been affecting her sleep. It has always been Cho The's dream to have many children. Cho The traveled six hours with a friend to Watsi's medical partner, Burma Border Projects, where she will have surgery to remove her fibroids. The $1,500 procedure, along with a seven day hospital stay, will enable her to recover and live free of the pain and other symptoms that hold her back from work. In her free time, Cho The enjoys studying the English language and reading her holy book. She really wants to start working again in order to be able to support her family better. "I hope that I will be able to have more children after surgery and to support my son through his education," said Cho The.

Fully funded

Meet Rin! This two-year-old lives in Cambodia with her parents and two siblings. Children of her age often love to explore the world around them with their sense of touch, learning to pick up objects, play with toys, and eat on their own. But Rin is only able to do that tactile exploring with one of her hands. “When Rin was 6 months old, three fingers of her left hand were burned by hot water,” explains our medical partner, Children’s Surgical Centre (CSC). “The burn contracture that developed prevents full movement of that hand.” Contractures are the tightening and thickening of the skin or muscle surrounding a serious burn scar, and cannot heal without treatment. Rin needs to regain use of her hand so that she can eventually learn the many skills she will need to operate in the world independently. Fortunately, there is an operation that can make this possible. “Rin requires a release and skin graft surgery,” CSC says. In this two-part procedure, doctors will remove scar tissue from Rin’s burned hand, and replace the damaged skin with healthy skin from elsewhere on Rin’s body. “After the surgery she will regain the use of her left hand,” CSC reports. For $280, we can make this crucial operation happen for Rin. This sum will also cover the two-week hospital stay and ten days of physical therapy that the toddler will need to recover from her procedure. “I hope after surgery my daughter can use her hand properly again,” Rin’s mother shares. Let’s make that hope a reality.

Fully funded