Born just six months ago in Tanzania, Joshua is the first child in his family. During the first two months of his life, Joshua had no problems. He was a happy baby, feeding well and growing normally until he developed a severe fever. The fever was treated, but after he recovered, his mother noticed the size of her son’s head was increasing. His body now looks small, and he cannot control his neck at all.
Joshua was diagnosed with hydrocephalus, a condition in which there is an accumulation of fluid in the brain as a result of infection, trauma, malformation of the central nervous system, or genetic defect. He needs surgery to help reduce the intracranial pressure and prevent him from losing his eyesight and the ability to control his body.
Joshua’s mother used to work at a small restaurant in their town, but she can no longer continue with work due to Joshua's condition. Now, she cares for her son at home while Joshua’s father, a self-employed carpenter, works hard to support the family. The little money that he earns is not enough to cover the cost of renting a room or other basic needs as well as the cost of the surgery that Joshua badly needs.
For $775, Joshua will undergo surgery to place a shunt to drain the excess fluid from his brain and transport it to his abdomen, where it can be resorbed by the body. Funding also covers the costs of five days of hospital care, dressing changes for his surgical wound, imaging, blood tests, medicine, and two weeks of accommodations at the Plaster House for recovery and rehabilitation.
Joshua’s mother looks forward to a successful surgery for her son and hopes that he will continue to grow like other children.