Nimish Gogri
Nimish's Story

Nimish joined Watsi on March 12th, 2013. 1,770 other people also joined Watsi on that day! Nimish's most recent donation supported Chhang, a future teacher from Cambodia, to fund a mass removal on his eye.


Nimish has funded healthcare for 4 patients in 4 countries.

Patients funded by Nimish

Twelve-year-old Joy has been through a lot in her short life. She contracted meningitis when she was two years old, and it spread to her brain. She went into a coma for three days, and her parents struggled to scape together enough money to keep their young daughter alive. When she woke up, Joy was completely paralyzed and unable to talk. Incredibly, in the last ten years, Joy has remained positive and driven despite her challenges. Through grueling hard work and perseverance, she has slowly regained the use of her muscles. Over time, Joy has even recovered her ability to speak. The one thing that Joy has been unable to overcome in the last ten years is her inability to walk. While she’s made great progress in strengthening her muscles, years of paralysis left Joy’s feet deformed, making it extremely painful for her to put weight on them. Joy’s family exhausted itself financially to save her life from meningitis. In a community where the average person makes less than $2 a day, even the most basic medical care is often ridiculously far out of reach, let alone the kind of specialized surgery that Joy needs to fully overcome the challenges she’s endured. Joy has spent the majority of her life working towards normalcy, and we have a chance to help make it happen for her. We need to raise $1000 to cover the cost of Joy’s surgery at CURE International. With treatment, her doctors believe she will be able to walk pain-free and one day live a normal life.

Fully funded