Jaydeep's Story

Jaydeep joined Watsi on March 8th, 2014. Ten years ago, Jaydeep joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Jaydeep's most recent donation traveled 8,500 miles to support Paul, a young boy from Kenya, to fund corrective surgery.


Jaydeep has funded healthcare for 34 patients in 10 countries.

Patients funded by Jaydeep

Jonica is a 10-month-old girl from the Philippines living with her parents and two siblings in a small house made of nipa and bamboo. Her family shares electricity with the neighbors and gets water from a deep well. Jonica's father works as a pineapple planter and struggles to provide enough food for the family. As a result, Jonica is moderately acutely malnourished and has a tiny body and a slightly bloated belly. Worldwide, poor nutrition is associated with nearly half of all deaths in young children. Without proper treatment, Jonica risked delayed development and potential long-term physical and cognitive impairments. Fortunately, on October 17, 2016, Jonica began receiving treatment from Watsi's medical partner, International Care Ministries (ICM). ICM's $184 home-based feeding program provides nutrient-enriched food packs to help malnourished children regain normal weight and achieve optimum physical and mental development. In addition, staff and community volunteers make weekly visits to check up on the child's progress. To help sustain the child's health, ICM staff also educate family members about proper nutrition, organic vegetable gardening, sanitation, and hygiene. With this treatment regimen and educational component, Jonica will be able to recover from her condition. "I hope that Jonica will recover from malnutrition so that she will grow to become healthy and strong," says Jonica's mother. "I want her to be a teacher someday." Let's help Jonica achieve these goals!

Fully funded

Meet Blessing, an adorable baby girl born to loving parents in Kenya. Her mother is a housewife while her father works in a hardware store. Ever since she was born, Blessing has had a series of health complications. Born with a mass swell on her lower back, Blessing underwent surgery which repaired her back two weeks after birth. A few weeks later, Blessing developed an infection and was readmitted in hospital for care. Just as she was getting better, the doctor diagnosed her to have hydrocephalus, a condition where one is found to have excess fluid in her skull. This condition is associated with a progressive increase in head circumference, headaches, and irritability. The resulting increased intracranial pressure can lead to brain stem compression. All the while, Blessing’s parents have been looking for financial support from family and friends, so that Blessing can receive the treatment she needs. Her parents are now in a dilemma as they are not in a position to raise the funds required for surgical care, let alone repay the debts. Watsi's medical partner will provide the surgery she needs to divert the excess fluid from her brain to her abdomen. The excess cerebrospinal fluid will then be drained and can relieve the overwhelming pressure on her swelling brain. In tears, Blessing's mother shared: "Blessing has spent most of her life in the hospital. We have incurred so much debt and we are not even close to clearing any of it. Watsi will be life saving."

Fully funded

Meet Leandra, a one-month-old girl from Guatemala with a severe case of malnutrition. Our medical partner, Wuqu’ Kawoq (WK) explains, “Leandra has been losing weight and getting sick frequently, due to her severe case of malnutrition. She has lost weight since she was born because her mother cannot make enough breastmilk to help Leandra grow.” “This has made her mother very stressed and upset, because Leandra cries all the time due to her hunger. In an effort to make her stop crying, she has been giving her sugar water, which has made her gain a little weight, but puts her at risk of diarrhea, starvation, and seizures due to the lack of calories, antibodies, and electrolytes,” WK shares. “Leandra is the second child in her family. She lives with her parents and older sister in a one-room house made of wood. Her mother works at home, cooking, cleaning, and taking care of the kids. Sometimes, she goes out and helps her husband look for wood to chop and sell, all the while carrying Leandra on her back. Her husband also works fishing in the nearby lake, and sells the fish he catches. Although they work hard, they often do not have enough money to buy even basic foods for their family, and often make less in a month than what formula costs," WK continues. $1,016 will cover the cost of Leandra’s treatment, which involves supplying Leandra with formula and her mother with health education. Her mother said, "I am so thankful to the donors that think of my daughter and want to help her."

Fully funded