Fund healthcare for people around the world

Meet a patient you can support

100% of your donation funds life-changing surgery.

Wall Street Journal
New York Times

Everyone deserves healthcare

Your donation directly funds life-changing healthcare — we prove it by being radically transparent.

Meet a patient

Donate directly to a patient who needs a life-changing surgery.

31,232 donors have funded 28,540 surgeries for patients like Editor.

Donate monthly

Sign up to automatically support a new patient every month.

Donors in our Universal Fund have signed up to donate to a new Watsi patient every month.

Our approach

When you support a patient on Watsi, you always know your impact.


Meet a patient

Meet a patient who needs life-changing healthcare.


Fund their care

Donate as little as $5 to fund their healthcare.


Get an update

Get an email after the patient receives healthcare.

Learn more

Let's make healthcare a reality for everyone

100% of your donation funds life-changing surgery.

32 Watsi donors funded life-saving surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from Anibal's eye.