January 25, 2023
Yeu is a 44-year-old mother of two. She lives in Kampong Thom province with her husband and two daughters, who are both high school students. Her husband is a rice a farmer and fisherman in the off-season. Yeu works full-time at a fruit cart in her village. When not at work, she likes to watch TV and be with her family.
Ten year ago, Yeu had an ear infection. This infection caused her left ear drum to perforate. For this reason, Yeu experiences pain, severe tinnitus, discharge, and hearing loss. She cannot communicate clearly with her family and customers, and experiences almost constant discomfort.
Yeu traveled to our medical partner’s care center to receive treatment. On January 26th, she will undergo a myringoplasty procedure in her left ear, where surgeons will close the perforation. Our medical partner, Children’s Surgical Centre, is requesting $487 to fund this procedure. This covers medications, supplies, and inpatient care.
She said,”I hope when I have an operation my hearing will improve and I won’t have pain anymore.”
Yeu is a 44-year-old mother of two. She lives in Kampong Thom province with her husband and two daughters, who are both high school students...
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July 28, 2023
Yeu underwent ear surgery so she can communicate with her family and customers.
Yeu had a successful procedure to repair her perforated eardrum and was able to return home the day following surgery. Having corrective surgery is important as she could have been hearing-impaired permanently without this procedure. At home, she will avoid any water in her ear, and apply medicated ear drops to decrease the risk of infection. This procedure will allow her to live comfortably and improve her hearing and communication. She has returned to selling fruit, which helps her family by eliminating the costs of her previous medications and bringing in money for food.
Yeu said: “I am happy I was able to have surgery, and I can hear better than before. Thank you to everyone who took care of me. I can sell fruit again to help support my family.”
Yeu had a successful procedure to repair her perforated eardrum and was able to return home the day following surgery. Having corrective sur...
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