Success! Elmer from Guatemala raised $967 to treat and manage epilepsy.

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Fully funded
Elmer's treatment was fully funded on April 29, 2016.
  • Elmer's story
  • Elmer's update
April 27, 2016

Photo of Elmer post-operation

January 9, 2017

Elmer received treatment to manage his seizures.

Although Elmer's diagnostic tests did not reveal any abnormalities with his brain, our medical partner has been able to successfully manage ...

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Elmer's Timeline

  • April 27, 2016

    Elmer was submitted by Jessica Hawkins at Wuqu’ Kawoq.

  • April 28, 2016

    Elmer's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • April 29, 2016

    Elmer's treatment was fully funded.

  • June 1, 2016

    Elmer received treatment at DARSA Centro de Diagnosticos in Guatemala. Medical partners often provide care to patients accepted by Watsi before those patients are fully funded, operating under the guarantee that the cost of care will be paid for by donors.

  • January 9, 2017

    Elmer's treatment was successful. Read the update.

Funded by 3 donors

Meet another patient you can support

100% of your donation funds life-changing surgery.

Samuel is a smart, playful boy aged one year and eight months old. He loves martial arts and can recite the entire alphabet. He loves to pray with his mother. Before he was born, a prophet told his mother that she would give birth to a son named Samuel. She was very happy to have a son as her older children are all girls. Samuel's mother cleans the street for a living. She carries her son on her back and cleans the street early in the morning. Sometime back, Samuel contracted pneumonia due to the cold mornings, and she stopped working for a while. She has recently resumed to help support her family. Her husband works as a day laborer, but he does not have consistent work. The family lives in a rented single-room mud house. Their income is minimal, and they struggle to meet their daily expenses. They receive government donated food on public holidays. An international organization supports one of her school-going daughters, paying for her education and donating some food every month. Samuel was born with a congenital condition called epispadias, where the urethra does not develop into a full tube, and the urine exits the body from an unusual site. As a result of this condition, Samuel experiences constant urinary leakage and is unable to urinate while standing like other boys. Samuel is scheduled for epispadias repair but his family is not able to meet the surgery costs. Fortunately, our medical partner, African Mission Healthcare, is helping Samuel receive treatment. On March 12th, surgeons at their care center BKMCM will perform an epispadias repair surgery so that Samuel can live more comfortably and confidently. Now, Samuel's family needs help to fund this $1,040 procedure. Samuel's mother says, "I love him so much that I pray every day that he will be fine after the surgery. I am worried that I might lose him during the surgery, but I want him to heal and become like other boys, so I consented to him having the surgery. I wish for him to become continent, and attend school someday."

$751to go