Success! Cesar from Guatemala raised $2,070 to get healthy.

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Fully funded
Cesar's treatment was fully funded on November 21, 2012.

Cesar's story

Cesar's Timeline

  • November 10, 2012

    Cesar's profile was published to start raising funds.

  • November 21, 2012

    Cesar's treatment was fully funded.


    Cesar's treatment update from Wuqu’ Kawoq is in progress.

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Michael Angelo is an active, playful two-year-old boy from the Philippines. His mother shared that Michael Angelo loves watching nursery videos on the phone and has shown interest in books at home. His father earns a minimum wage working as a sprinter delivery driver, while his mother is a homemaker. In February 2024, Michael Angelo had pneumonia. The attending physician had a suspicion about the child's medical condition, but to confirm, they were directed to a pediatric surgeon. Michael Angelo was diagnosed with polycystic kidney disease and a further diagnosis of bilateral undescended testes was made. His mother was advised that Michael Angelo would need to undergo orchidopexy procedure to move the undescended testes into the scrotum. This would reduce the risks of infertility and development of cancer. Michael Angelo's condition has already placed financial constraints on his family due to ongoing treatment, lab works and prescribed medications of the new diagnosis. It has also taken an emotional toll on his mother, who wishes that she would be the one experiencing the illness on behalf of her baby. Our medical partner, World Surgical Foundation Philippines, is helping Michael Angelo receive treatment. On May 9th, surgeons at Our Lady of Peace Hospital will perform an orchidopexy procedure, to relocate the testes and improve his quality of life. A portion of the cost of Michael Angelo's treatment is being supported by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, but his family still needs help raising $1,212 to fund the procedure. Michael Angelo's mother says: "Despite having an income, we came to a point of financial breakdown when illness struck our baby. There are so many challenges, we prayed every day that someone would come and help us, especially since we do not receive so much help from our families and relatives. We were surprised to receive support from people that did not know us, it was very unexpected. We would like to extend our gratitude to all those who have come to our aid."

$380to go