Raymond's Story

Raymond joined Watsi on February 1st, 2016. Seven years ago, Raymond joined our Universal Fund, supporting life-changing treatments for a new Watsi patient every month. Raymond's most recent donation supported Maria, a one-month-old baby girl from Haiti, to fund hydrocephalus surgery.


Raymond has funded healthcare for 93 patients in 12 countries.

Patients funded by Raymond

Yong is a 54-year-old construction worker who lives in Phnom Penh with his wife, one son, three daughters, and two grandchildren. His wife sells popcorn near the Tonle Sap River to families and tourists. In his free time, Yong likes to listen to music, help his wife clean the house, or watch TV. Yong has diabetes and high blood pressure. About three months ago, he stepped on a nail at work and injured his right foot. The wound became infected, a common occurrence for people with diabetes who may not even know of the injury. Initially, Yong did not seek medical treatment because he could not afford the care. But when the wound did not heal, he visited a local clinic where a dressing was placed on his foot. Unfortunately, the wound has gotten larger - it now covers his ankle, and he has a constant fever. Yong is in pain, and he can no longer walk on his right foot or work in construction. If not treated, his infection could lead to gangrene and the loss of his foot. He is worried because he cannot afford to support his family if he cannot work. When Yong learned about our medical partner, Children's Surgical Centre (CSC), he sought treatment. On September 19, surgeons at CSC will perform a skin graft procedure to clean away the dead skin and cover the ulcer with a skin graft. Doctors will use a healthy skin area (the donor site) taken from another part of his body and place it over the damaged skin. Now, Yong needs help to fund this $487 procedure. Yong said: "I hope my foot can heal from the infection and I can go to work again."

Fully funded

Madeline is a 36-year-old mother of two from the Philippines. She proudly raises a son and a daughter while working as a dedicated hospital receptionist. Although her income only covers their essential needs, her hard work and determination shine as a testament to her unwavering commitment. In 2010, Madeline began to experience troubling symptoms, including a noticeable lump on her neck. Concerned about the cost of medical expenses, she postponed seeking medical consultation. Unfortunately, her condition gradually worsened over time. She now experiences persistent fatigue and shortness of breath, significantly affecting her ability to perform daily tasks. Increasingly concerned about her deteriorating condition, she finally sought medical attention. She underwent a thorough assessment and a series of laboratory tests. She was diagnosed with colloid adenomatous goiter, a thyroid condition characterized by the enlargement of the thyroid gland. She needs surgery to prevent her symptoms from getting worse. Fortunately, our medical partner World Surgical Foundation Philippines (WSFP) is helping Madeline receive treatment. She is scheduled to undergo a thyroidectomy on August 12th. Surgeons will remove all or part of her thyroid gland. A portion of the cost of her treatment is being supported by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, and WSFP is raising the remaining $935 to cover the cost of Madeline's procedure and care. Madeline expressed her gratitude towards Watsi donors and the World Surgical Foundation Philippines for sponsoring her operation. She shared, "I hope for the foundation to continue its long-standing service, helping more patients receive such assistance."

Fully funded